Thanks for visiting my blog - I have now moved to a new location at Nature Networks. Url: - Please come visit my blog there.

Friday, November 6, 2009

ChIP-Seq normalization.

I've spent a lot of time working on ChIP-Seq controls recently, and wanted to raise an interesting point that I haven't seen addressed much: How to normalize well. (I don't claim to have read ALL of the chip-seq literature, and someone may have already beaten me to the punch... but I'm not aware of anything published on this yet.)

The question of normalization occurs as soon as you raise the issue of controls or comparing any two samples. You have to take it in to account when doing any type of comparision, really, so it's somewhat important as the backbone to any good second-gen work.

The most common thing I've heard to date is to simply normalize by the number of tags in each data set. As far as I'm concerned, that really will only work when your data sets come from the same library, or two highly correlated samples - when nearly all of your tags come from the same locations.

However, this method fails as soon as you move into doing a null control.

Imagine you have two samples, one is your null control, with the "background" sequences in it. When you seqeunce, you get ~6M tags, all of which represent noise. The other is ChIP-Seq, so some background plus an enriched signal. When you sequence, hopefully you sequence 90% of your signal, and 10% of the background to get ~8M tags - of which ~.8M are noise. When you do a compare, the number of tags isn't quite doing justice to the relationship between the two samples.

So what's the real answer? Actually, I'm not sure - but I've come up with two different methods of doing controls in FindPeaks: One where you normalize by identifying a (symmetrical) linear regression through points that are found in both samples, the other by identifying the points that appear in both samples and summing up their peak heights. Oddly enough, they both work well, but in different scenarios. And clearly, both appear (so far) to work better than just assuming the number of tags is a good normalization ratio.

More interesting, yet, is that the normalization seems to change dramatically between chromosomes (as does the number of mapping reads), which leads you to ask why that might be. Unfortunately, I'm really not sure why it is. Why should one chromosome be over-represented in an "input dna" control?

Either way, I don't think any of us are getting to the bottom of the rabbit hole of doing comparisons or good controls yet. On the bright side, however, we've come a LONG way from just assuming peak heights should fall into a nice Poisson distribution!

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Wednesday, November 4, 2009

New ChIP-seq control

Ok, so I've finally implemented and debugged a second type of control in FindPeaks... It's different, and it seems to be more sensitive, requiring less assumptions to be made about the data set itself.

What it needs, now, is some testing. Is anyone out there willing to try a novel form of control on a dataset that they have? (I won't promise it's flawless, but hey, it's open source, and I'm willing to bug fix anything people find.)

If you do, let me know, and I'll tell you how to activate it. Let the testing begin!

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Monday, October 5, 2009

Why peak calling is painful.

In discussing my work, I'm often asked how hard it is to write a peak calling algorithm. The answer usually surprises people: It's trivial. Peak calling itself isn't hard. However, there are plenty of pitfalls that can surprise the unwary. (I've found myself in a few holes along the way, which have been somewhat challenging to get out of.)

The pitfalls, when they do show up, can be very painful - masking the triviality of the situation.

In reality, the three most frustrating things that occur in peak calling:
  1. Maintaining the software

  2. Peak calling without unlimited resources eg, 64Gb RAM

  3. Keeping on the cutting edge

On the whole, each of these things is a separate software design issue worthy of a couple of seconds of discussion.

When it comes to building software, it's really easy to fire up a "one-off" script. Anyone can write something that can be tossed aside when they're done with it - but code re-use and recycling is a skill. (And an important one.) Writing your peak finder to be modular is a lot of work, and a huge amount of time investment is required to keep the modules in good shape as the code grows. A good example of why this is important can be illustrated with file formats. Since the first version of FindPeaks, we've transitioned through two versions of Eland output, Maq's .map format and now on to SAM and BAM (but not excluding BED, GFF, and several other more or less obscure formats). In each case, we've been able to simply write a new iterator and plug it into the existing modular infrastructure. In fact, SAM support was added in quite rapidly by Tim with only a few hours of investment. That wouldn't have been possible without the massive upfront investment in good modularity.

The second pitfall is memory consumption - and this is somewhat more technical. When dealing with sequencing reads, you're faced with a couple of choices: you either sort the reads and then move along the reads one at a time, determining where they land - OR - you can pre-load all the reads, then move along the chromosome. The first model takes very little memory, but requires a significant amount of pre-processing, which I'll come back to in a moment. The second requires much less cpu time - but is intensely memory thirsty.

If you want to visualize this, the first method is to organize all of your reads by position, then to walk down the length of the chromosome with a moving window, only caring about the reads that fall into the window at any given point in time. This is how FindPeaks works now. The second is to build a model of the chromosome, much like a "pileup" file, which then can be processed however you like. (This is how I do SNP calling.) In theory, it shouldn't matter which one you do, as long as all your reads can be sorted correctly. The first can usually be run with a limited amount of memory, depending on the memory strucutures you use, whereas the second pretty much is determined by the size of the chromosomes you're using (multiplied by a constant that also depends on the structures you use.)

Unfortunately, using the first method isn't always as easy as you might expect. For instance, when doing alignments with transcriptomes (or indels), you often have gapped reads. An early solution to this in FindPeaks was to break each portion of the read into separate aligned reads, and process them individually - which works well when correctly sorted. Unfortunately, new formats no longer allow that - using a "pre-sorted" bam/sam file, you can now find multi-part reads, but there's no real option of pre-fragmenting those reads and re-sorting. Thus, FindPeaks now has an additional layer that must read ahead and buffer sam reads in order to make sure that the next one returned is the correct order. (You can get odd bugs, otherwise, and yes, there are many other potential solutions.)

Moving along to the last pitfall, the one thing that people want out of a peak finder is that it is able to do the latest and greatest methods - and do it ahead of everyone else. That on it's own is a near impossible task. To keep a peak finder relevant, you not only need to implement what everyone else is doing, but also do things that they're not. For a group of 30 people, that's probably not too hard, but for academic peak callers, that can be a challenge - particularly since every use wants something subtly different than the next.

So, when people ask how hard it is to write their own peak caller, that's the answer I give: It's trivial - but a lot of hard work. It's rewarding, educational and cool, but it's a lot of work.

Ok, so is everyone ready to write their own peak caller now? (-;

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Tuesday, August 18, 2009

new repository of second generation software

I finally have a good resource for locating second gen (next gen) sequencing analysis software. For a long time, people have just been collecting it on a single thread in the bioinformatics section of the forum, however, the brilliant people at SeqAnswers have spawned off a wiki for it, with an easy to use form. I highly recommend you check it out, and possibly even add your own package.

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Monday, June 1, 2009

Science cartoons - 4 (ChIP-Seq)

I suppose this cartoon doesn't need an introduction...

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Friday, May 29, 2009

Science Cartoons - 3

I wasn't going to do more than one comic a day, but since I just published it into the FindPeaks 4.0 manual today, I may as well put it here too, and kill two birds with one stone.

Just to clarify, under copyright laws, you can certainly re-use my images for teaching purposes or your own private use (that's generally called "fair use" in the US, and copyright laws in most countries have similar exceptions), but you can't publish it, take credit for it, or profit from it without discussing it with me first. However, since people browse through my page all the time, I figure I should mention that I do hold copyright on the pictures, so don't steal them, ok?

Anyhow, Comic #3 is a brief description of how the compare in FindPeaks 4.0 works. Enjoy!

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Monday, May 25, 2009

Can't we use ChIP-chip controls on *-Seq?

Thanks to Nicholas, who left this comment on my web page this morning, in reference to my post on controls in Second-Gen Seqencing:
Hi Anthony,

Don't you think that controls used for microarray (expression
and ChIP-chip) are well established and that we could use
these controls with NGS?


I think this is a valid question, and one that should be addressed. My committee asked me the same thing during my comprehensive exam, so I've had a chance to think about it. Unfortunately, I'm not a statistics expert, or a ChIP-chip expert, so I would really value other people's opinion on the matter.

Anyhow, I think the answer has to be put in perspective: Yes, we can learn from ChIP-chip and Arrays for the statistics that are being used, but no, they're not directly applicable.

Both ChIP-chip and array experiments are based on hybridization to a probe - which makes them cheap and reasonably reliable. Unfortunately, it also leads to a much lower dynamic range, since they saturate out at the high end, and can be undetectable at the low end of the spectrum. This alone should be a key difference. What signal would be detected from a single hybridization event on a micro-array?

Additionally, the resolution of a chip-chip probe is vastly different from that of a sequencing reaction. In ChIP-Seq or RNA-Seq, we can get unique signals for sequences with a differing start location only one base apart, which should then be interpreted differently. With ChIP-chip, the resolution is closer to 400bp windows, and thus the statistics take that into account.

Another reason why I think the statistics are vastly different is because of the way we handle the data itself, when setting up an experiment. With arrays, you repeat the same experiment several times, and then use that data as several repeats of the same experiment, in order to quantify the variability (deviation and error) between the repeats. With second-generation sequencing, we pool the results from several different lanes, meaning we always have N=1 in our statistical analysis.

So, yes, I think we can learn from other methods of statistical analysis, but we can't blindly apply the statistics from ChIP-chip and assume they'll correctly interpret our results. The more statistics I learn, the more I realize how many assumptions go into each method - and how much more work it is to get the statistics right for each type of experiment.

At any rate, these are the three most compelling reasons that I have, but certainly aren't the only ones. If anyone would like to add more reasons, or tell me why I'm wrong, please feel free to add a comment!

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Thursday, May 21, 2009


Apparently there's a rumour going around that I think FindPeaks isn't a good software program, and that I've said so on my blog. I don't know who started this, or where it came from, but I would like to set the record straight.

I think FindPeaks is one of the best ChIP-Seq packages currently available. Yes, I would like to have better documentation, yes there are occasionally bugs in it, and yes, the fact that I'm the only full-time developer on the project are detriments.... But those are only complaints, and they don't diminish the fact that I think FindPeaks can out peak-call, out control, out compare.... and will outlast, outwit and outplay all of it's opponents. (=

FindPeaks is actually a VERY well written piece of code, and has the flexibility to do SO much more than just ChIP-Seq. If I had my way, I'd have another developer or two working with the code to expand many of the really cool features that it already has.

If people are considering using it, I'm always happy to help get them started, and I'm thrilled to add more people to the project if they would like to contribute.

So, just to make things clear - I think FindPeaks (and the rest of the Vancouver Short Read Analysis Package) are great pieces of software, and are truly worth using. If you don't believe me, send me an email, and I'll help make you a believer too. (=

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Monday, May 18, 2009

Questions about controls.

After my post on controls, the other day, I've discovered I'd left a few details out of my blog entry. It was especially easy to come to that conclusion, since it was pointed out by Aaron in a comment below.... Anyhow, since his questions were right on, I figured that they deserved a post of their own, not just a quick reply.

There were two parts to the questions, so I'll break up the reply into two parts. First:

One question - what exactly are you referring to as 'control' data? For chip-seq, sequencing the "input" ie non-enriched chromatin of your IPs makes sense, but does doubling the amount of sequencing you perform (therefore cost & analysis time) give enough of a return? eg in my first analysis we are using a normal and cancer cell line, and looking for differences between the two.
Control data, in the context I was using it, should be experiment specific. Non-enriched chromatin is probably going to be the most common for experiments with transcription factors, or possibly even histone modifications. Since you're most interested in the enrichment, a non-enriched control makes sense. At the GSC, we've had many conversations about what the appropriate controls are for any given experiment, and our answers have ranged from genomic DNA or non-enriched-DNA all the way to stimulated/unstimulated sample pairs. The underlying premise is that the control is always the one that makes sense for the given experiment.

On that note, I suspect it's probably worth rehashing the Robertson 2007 paper on stimulated vs. unstimulated IFN-gamma STAT1 transcription markers... hrm..

Anyhow, The second half of that question boils down to "is it really worth it to spend the money on controls?"

YES! Unequivocally YES!

Without a control, you'll never be able to get a good handle on the actual statistics behind your experiment, you'll never be able to remove bias in your samples (from the sequencing itself, and yes, it is very much present). In the tests I've been running on the latest FP code (, I've been seeing what I think are incredibly promising results. If it cost 5 times as much to do controls, I'd still be pushing for them. (Of course, it's actually not my money, so take that for what it's worth.)

In any case, there's a good light at the end of the cost tunnel on this. Although yes, it does appear that the better the control, the better the results will be, we've also been able to "re-use" controls. So, in fact, having one good set of controls per species already seems to make a big contribution. Thus, controls should be amortizable over the life of the sequencing data, so the cost should not be anywhere near double for large sequencing centres. (I don't have hard data, to back this up, yet, but it is generally the experience I've had so far.)

To get to the second half of the question:

Also, what controls can you use for WTSS? Or do you just mean comparing two groups eg cancer vs normal?
That question is similar to the one above, and so is my answer: it depends on the question you're asking. If you want to use it to compare against another sample (eg, using FP's compare function), then you'll want to compare with another sample, which will be your "control". I've been working with this pipeline for a few weeks now and have been incredibly impressed with how well this works over my own (VERY old 32bp) data sets.

On the other hand, if you're actually interested in discovering new exons and new genes using this approach, you'd want to use a whole genome shotgun as your control.

As with all science, there's no single right answer for which protocol you need to use until you've decided what question you want to ask.

And finally, there's one last important part of this equation - have you sequenced either your control or your sample to enough depth? Even if you have controls working well, it's absolutely key to make sure your data can answer your question well. So many questions, so little time!

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Friday, May 15, 2009

On the necessity of controls

I guess I've had this rant building up for a while, and it's finally time to write it up.

One of the fundamental pillars of science is the ability to isolate a specific action or event, and determine it's effects on a particular closed system. The scientific method actually demands that we do it - hypothesize, isolate, test and report in an unbiased manner.

Unfortunately, for some reason, the field of genomics has kind of dropped that idea entirely. At the GSC, we just didn't bother with controls for ChIP-Seq for a long time. I can't say I've even seen too many matched WTSS (RNA-SEQ) experiments for cancer/normals. And that scares me, to some extent.

With all the statistics work I've put in to the latest version of FindPeaks, I'm finally getting a good grasp of the importance of using controls well. With the other software I've seen, they do a scaled comparison to calculate a P-value. That is really only half of the story. It also comes down to normalization, to comparing peaks that are present in both sets... and to determining which peaks are truly valid. Without that, you may as well not be using a control.

Anyhow, that's what prompted me to write this. As I look over the results from the new FindPeaks (, both for ChIP-Seq and WTSS, I'm amazed at how much clearer my answers are, and how much better they validate compared to the non-control based runs. Of course, the tests are still not all in - but what a huge difference it makes. Real control handling (not just normalization or whatever everyone else is doing) vs. Monte Carlo show results that aren't in the same league. The cutoffs are different, the false peak estimates are different, and the filtering is incredibly more accurate.

So, this week, as I look for insight in old transcription factor runs and old WTSS runs, I keep having to curse the lack of controls that exist for my own data sets. I've been pushing for a decent control for my WTSS lanes - and there is matched normal for one cell line - but it's still two months away from having the reads land on my desk... and I'm getting impatient.

Now that I'm able to find all of the interesting differences with statistical significance between two samples, I want to get on with it and find them, but it's so much more of a challenge without an appropriate control. Besides, who'd believe it when I write it up with all of the results relative to each other?

Anyhow, just to wrap this up, I'm going to make a suggestion: if you're still doing experiments without a control, and you want to get them published, it's going to get a LOT harder in the near future. After all, the scientific method has been pretty well accepted for a few hundred years, and genomics (despite some protests to the contrary) should never have felt exempt from it.

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Monday, May 11, 2009

FindPeaks 4.0

After much delay, and more statistics than I'd ever hoped to see in my entire life, I'm just about ready to tag FindPeaks 4.0.

There are some really cool things going on - better handling of control data, better compares, and even saturation analysis made it in. Overall, I'm really impressed with how well things are working on that front.

The one thing that I'm disappointed to have not been able to include was support for SAM/BAM files. No one is really pushing for it yet, here at the GSC, but it's only a matter of time. Unfortunately, the integration is not trivial, and I made the executive decision to work on other things first.

Still, I can't say I'm unhappy at all - there's room for a fresh publication, if we decide to go down that route. If not, I have at least 2 possible publications in the novel applications of the code for the biology. That can't be a bad thing.

Anyhow, I'm off to put a few final updates on the code before tagging the final 3.3.x release.

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Friday, May 1, 2009

2 weeks of neglect on my blog = great thesis progress.

I wonder if my blogging output is inversely proportional to my progress on my thesis. I stopped writing two weeks ago for a little break, and ended up making big steps forward. The vast amount of my work went into FindPeaks, which included the following:

  • A complete threaded Saturation analysis for next-gen libraries.

  • A method of comparing next-gen libraries to identify peaks that are statistically significant outliers. (It's also symmetic, unlike a linear regression based methods.)

  • A better control method

  • A whole new way of analysing WTSS data, which gives statistically valid expression differences

And, of course many many other changes. Not everything is bug-free, yet, but it's getting there. All that's left on my task list are debugging a couple of things in the compare mode, relating to peaks present in only one of the two librarires, and an upgrade to my FDR cutoff prediction methods. Once those are done, I think I'll be ready to push out FindPeaks 4.0. YAY!

Actually, what was surprising to me was the sheer amount of work that I've done on this since January. I compiled the change list since my last "quarterly report" for a project that used FindPeaks (but doesn't support it, ironically.... why am I doing reports for them again?) and came up with 24 pages of commit messages - over 575 commits. Considering the amount of work I've done on my actual projects, away from FindPeaks, I think I've been pretty darn productive.

Yes, I'm going to take this opportunity to pat myself on the back in public for a whole 2 seconds... ok, done.

So, overall, blogging may not have been distracting me from my work, as even at the height of my blogging (around AGBT), I was still getting lots done, but the past two weeks have really been a help. I'll be back to blogging all the good stuff on monday. And I'm looking forward to doing some writing now, on some of the cool things in FP4.0 that haven't made it into the manual... yet.

Anyone want some fresh ChIP-Seq results? (-;

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Thursday, April 16, 2009

Multi-match reads in ChIP-Seq

I had an interesting comment left on my blog today, which is worth taking a few minutes to write a response to:
"Hi Anthony, I just discovered your blog and it looks very interesting to me!
Since this article on Eland is now more than one year old, I was wondering
if the description at point 3 about multi matching locations is still
applicable to the Eland program in the Illumina pipeline 1.3. More in general,
would you trust the multi matching locations extracted from the multi_eland
output files to perform a repeat enrichment analysis over an experiment of
ChIP-seq? If no, why? Thank you in advance for your attention."

The first question asks about multi-matching locations - and if the point in question (point 3) applies to the Illumina Pipeline 1.3. Since point 3 was just that the older pipeline didn't provide the locations of the multi-matche reads, I suppose this no longer really applies: I understand the new version of Eland does provide multi-match alignment information, as do other aligners such as Bowtie. However, I should also mention that since I adopted Maq as my preferred aligner, I haven't used Eland much - so it's hard for me to give an informed opinion on the quality of the matches. I simply don't know if they're any good, and I won't belabour that point. I have used Bowtie specifically because it was able to do mutli-matches, but we didn't use it for ChIP-Seq, and the multi-matches had other uses in that experiment.

So, the more interesting question is whether I'd use multi-match reads in a ChIP-Seq analysis. And, off hand, my answer has to be no. But let me explain my reasoning, and the conditions in which I would change that answer.

First, lets assume that we have Single End Tags, so the multi-match information is not resolvable. That means anytime we have a read that maps to more than one location, we have the possibility that we can either map it to it's source - or we're mapping it incorrectly. A 50% change of "getting it right." The greater the number of multi-match locations, the smaller the chance we're actually finding it's correct origin. So, at best we've got a 50-50 chance that we're not adversely affecting the outcome of the experiment. That's not great.

In contrast, there are things we could do to make them usable. The most widely used method from FindPeaks is the weighted fragment distribution type. Thus, we could expand the principle to weight the fragments according to the number of sites. That would be... bearable. But would it significantly add to the quality of the alignment?

I'm still going to say no. Fragments we see in ChIP-Seq experiments tend to fall within 200-300bp of the regions in which the transcription factor (or other sites) bind. Thus, even if we were concerned that a particular transcription factor binds primarily to the similar motif regions at two sites, there should be more than enough (unique) sequence around that site (which is usually <30-40bp in length) to which you'll still see fragments aligning. That should compensate for the loss of the multi-match fragments.

Even more importantly, as read lengths increase, the amount of non-unique sequence decreases rapidly, making the shrinking number of multi-match reads less important.

The same argument can be extended for paired end tags: Just as read lengths improve and reduce the number of multi-match sites, more of the multi-match reads will be resolved by pairing them with a second read, which is unlikely to be within the same repeat region, thus reducing the number of reads that become unresolvable multi-matches. Proportionally, one would then expect that leaving out these reads become a smaller and smaller segment of the population, and would have to worry less and less about their contribution.

So, then, when would I want them?

Well, on the odd chance you're working with very short reads, you can pull off the weighting properly, and you have single end tags - and the multi-match reads make up a significant proportion of the reads, then it's worth exploring.

You'd need to start asking the tough questions: did the aligner simply find that a small k-mer of the read aligned to multiple locations (and was then unable to resolve the tie by extension the way some Eland aligners work)? Does the aligner use quality scores to identify mis-alignments? How reliable are the alignments (what's their error rate)? What was your sample, and how divergent is it from reference ? (e.g., cancer samples have a high variation rate, and so encourage many false alignments, making the alignments less reliable.)

Overall, I really don't see too many cases where you're going to gain a lot by digging in the multi-match files. That's not too say that you won't find anything good in there - you probably would, if you knew where to look, but the noise to signal ratio is going to be pretty poor - just by definition of the fact that they're mutli-match reads alone. You'll just have to ask if it's worth your time.

For the moment, I don't think my time (even at grad student wages) is worth it. It's just not low hanging fruit, when it comes to ChIP-Seq.

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Friday, March 20, 2009

Universal format converter for aligned reads

Last night, I was working on FindPeaks when I realized what an interesting treasure trove of libraries I was really sitting on. I have readers and writers for many of the most common aligned read formats, and I have several programs that do useful functions. So, that raise the distinctly interesting point that all of them should be applied together in one shot... and so I did exactly that.

I now have an interesting set of utilities that can be used to convert from one file format to another: bed, gff, eland, extended eland, MAQ .map (read only), mapview, bowtie.... and several other more obscure formats.

For the moment, the "conversion utility" forces the output to bed file format (since that's the file type with the least information, and I don't have to worry about unexpected file information loss), which can then be viewed with the UCSC browser, or interpreted by FindPeaks to generate wig files. (BED files are really the lowest common denominator of aligned information.) But why stop there?

Why not add a very simple functionality that lets one format be converted to the other? Actually, there's no good reason not to, but it does involve some heavy caveats. Conversion from one format type to another is relatively trivial until you hit the quality strings. since these aren't being scaled or altered, you could end up with some rather bizzare conversions unless they're handled cleanly. Unfortunately, doing this scaling is such a moving target that it's just not possible to keep up with that and do all the other devlopment work I have on my plate. (I think I'll be asking for a co-op student for the summer to help out.)

Anyhow, I'll be including this nifty utility in my new tags. Hopefully people will find the upgraded conversion utility to be helpful to them. (=

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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

FindPeaks 3.3

I have to admit, I'm feeling a little shy about writing on my blog, since the readership jumped in the wake of AGBT. It's one thing to write when you've got 30 people reading your blog... and yet another thing when there are 300 people reading it. I suppose if I can't keep up the high standards I've being trying to maintain, people will stop reading it and then I won't have anything to feel shy about... Either way, I'll keep doing the blog because I'm enjoying the opportunity to write in a less than formal format. I do have a few other projects on the go, as well, which include a few more essays on personal health and next-gen sequencing... I think I'll aim for one "well thought through essay" a week, possibly on Fridays. We'll see if I can manage to squeeze that in as a regular feature from now on.

In addition to blogging, the other thing I'm enjoying these days is the programming I'm doing in Java for FindPeaks 3.3 (which is the unstable version of FindPeaks 4.0.) It's taking a lot longer to get going than I thought it would, but the efforts are starting to pay off. At this point, a full chip-seq experiment (4 lanes of Illumina data + 3 lanes of control data) can be fully processed in about 4-5 minutes. That's a huge difference from the 40 minutes that it would have taken with previous versions, which would have been sample only.

Of course, the ChIP-seq field hasn't stood still, so a lot of this is "catch-up" to the other applications in the field, but I think I've finally gotten it right with the stats. With some luck, this will be much more than just a catch-up release, though. It will probably be a few more days before I produce a 4.0 alpha, but it shouldn't be long, now. Just a couple more bugs to squash. (-;

At any rate, in addition to the above subjects, there are certainly some interesting things going on in the lab, so I'll need to put more time into those projects as well. As a colleague of mine said to me recently, you know you're doing good work when you feel like you're always in panic mode. I guess this is infinitely better than being underworked! In case anyone is looking for me, I'm the guy with his nose pressed to the monitor, fingers flying on the keyboard and the hunched shoulders. (That might not narrow it down that much, I suppose, but it's a start...)


Monday, February 16, 2009

EMBL Advanced Course in Analysis of Short Read Sequencing Data

This email showed up in my mailbox today, and I figured I could pass it along. I don't know anything about it other than what was shown below, but I thought people who read my blog for ChIP-Seq information might find it... well, informative.

I'm not sure where they got my name from. Hopefully it wasn't someone who reads my blog and thought I needed a 1.5 day long course in ChIP-Seq! (-;

At any rate, even if I were interested, putting the workshop in Heidelberg is definitely enough to keep me from going. The flight alone would be about as long as the workshop. Anyhow, here's the email:

Dear colleagues,

We would like to announce a new course that we will be having in June 2009 addressed to bioinformaticians with basic understanding of next generation sequencing data.

The course will cover all processing steps in the analysis of ChIP-Seq and RNA-Seq experiments: base calling, alignment, region identification, integrative bioinformatic and statistical analysis.

It will be a mix of lectures and practical computer exercises (ca. 1.5 days and 1 day, respectively).

Course name: EMBL Advanced Course in Analysis of Short Read Sequencing Data
Location: Heidelberg, Germany
Period: 08 - 10 June 2009
Website: link
Registration link: link
Registration deadline: 31 March 2009

Best wishes.

Looking forward for your participation to the course,
Adela Valceanu
Conference Officer
European Molecular Biology Laboratory
Meyerhofstr. 1
D-69117 Heidelberg


Thursday, January 8, 2009

The Future of FindPeaks

At the end of my committee meeting, last month, my advisors suggested I spend less time on engineering questions, and more time on the biology of the research I'm working on. Since that means spending more time on the cancer biology project, and less on FindPeaks, I've been spending some time thinking about how I want to proceed forward - and I think the answer is to work smarter on FindPeaks. (No, I'm not dropping FindPeaks development. It's just too much fun.)

For me, the amusing part of it is that FindPeaks is already on it's 4th major structural iteration. Matthew Bainbridge wrote the first, I duplicated it by re-writing it's code for the second version, then came the first round of major upgrades in version 3.1, and then I did the massive cleanup that resulted in the 3.2 branch. After all that, why would I want to write another version?

Somewhere along the line, I've realized that there are several major engineering things that could be done that would make FindPeaks faster, more versatile and able to provide more insight into the biology of ChIP-Seq and similar experiments. Most of the changes are a reflection of the fact that the underlying aligners that are being used have changed. When I first got involved we were using Eland 0.3 (?), which was simple compared to the tools we now have available. It just aligned each fragment individually and spit out the results, which left the filtering and sorting up to FindPeaks. Thus, early versions of FindPeaks were centred on those basic operations. As we moved to sorted formats like .map and _sorted.txt files, those issues have mostly dissapeared, allowing more emphasis to be placed on the statistics and functionality.

At this point, I think we're coming to the next generation of biology problems - integrating FindPeaks into the wider toolset - and generating real knowledge about what's going on in the genome, and I think it's time for FindPeaks to evolve to fill that role, growing out to better use the information available in the sorted aligner results.

Ever since the end of my exam, I haven't been able to stop thinking of neat applications for FindPeaks and the rest of my tool kit - so, even if I end up focussing on the cancer biology that I've got in front of me, I'm still going to find the time to work on FindPeaks, to better take advantage of the information that FindPeaks isn't currently using.

I guess that desire to do things well, and to get at the answers that are hidden in the data is what drives us all to do science. And probably what drives grad students to work late into the night on their projects.... I think I see a few more late nights in the near future. (-;

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Thursday, October 2, 2008

Paired End Chip-Seq

Ok, time for another editorial on ChIP-Seq and a very related topic. Paired-End Tags.

When I first heard about Paired End Tags (PETs), I thought they'd be the solution to all of our worries for ChIP-Seq. You'd be able to more accurately pin-point the ends of each fragment, and thus bracket binding sites more easily.

Having played with them for a bit, I'm not realy sure that's the case. I don't think they do any better than the adaptive or triangle distributions that I've been using for a while, and I don't think it really matters where that other end is, in the grand scheme of things. The peaks don't seem to dramatically shift anywhere they wouldn't be otherwise, and the resolution doesn't seem to change dramatically.

I guess I just don't see much use in using them.

Of course, what I haven't had the chance to do is run a direct PET against a SET library to see how they compete head to head. (I've only played with the stats for each individually, so take my comments with a grain of salt.)

That said, people will start using PET for ChIP-Seq, despite the increased cost and slightly smaller number of tags. The theory goes that the number of mappable tags will increase slightly to compensate for the smaller number of tags.

That increase in mappable tags may, in fact, be the one redeeming factor here. If the background noise turns out to be full of tags that are better mapped with their paired end mate, then noise decreases, and signal increases - and that WOULD be an advantage.

Anyhow, if anyone really has the data (SET + PET for one ChIP-Seq) to do this study, FindPeaks 3.2 now has PET support, and all the tools for doing PET work. All that's left is to get the manual together. A work in progress, which I'd be willing to accellerate if I knew someone was using it.


Friday, September 12, 2008


One more day, one more piece of ChIP-Seq software to cover. I've not talked about FindPeaks, much, which is the software descended from Robertson et al, for obvious reasons. The paper was just an application note - and well, I'm really familiar with how it works, so I'm not going to review it. I have talked about Quest, however, which was presumably descended from Johnson et al.. And, for those of you who have been following ChIP-Seq papers since the early days will realize that there's still something missing: The aligner descended from Barski et al, which is the subject of today's blog: SISSR. Those were the first three published ChIP-Seq papers, and so it's no surprise that each of them followed up with a paper (or application note!) on their software.

So, today, I'll take a look at SISSR, to complete the series.

From the start, the Barski paper was discussing both histone modifications and transcription factors. Thus, the context of the peak finder is a little different. Where FindPeaks (and possibly QuEST as well) was originally conceived for identifying single peaks, and expanded to do multiple peaks, I would imagine that SISSR was conceived with the idea of working on "complex" areas of overlapping peaks. Although, that's only relevant in terms of their analysis, but I'll come back to that.

The most striking thing you'll notice about this paper is that the datasets look familiar. They are, in fact the sets from Robertson, Barski and Johnson: STAT1, CTCF and NRSF, respectively. This is the first of the Chip-Seq application papers that actually performs a comparison between the available peak finders, and of course, claim that theirs is the best. Again, I'll come back to that.

The method used by SISSR is almost identical to the method used by FindPeaks, with the use of directional information built into the base algorithm, whereas FindPeaks provides it as an optional module (-directional flag, which uses a slightly different method). They provide an excellent visual image on the 4th page of the article, demonstrating their concept, which will explain the method better than I can, but I'll try anyhow.

In ChIP-Seq, a binding site is expected to have many real tags pointing at it, as tags upstream should be on the sense strand, and tags on downstream should be on the anti-sense strand. Thus, a real binding site should exist at transition points, where the majority of tags switch from the sense to the anti-sense tag. By identifying these transition points, they will be able to identify locations of real binding sites. More or less, that describes the algorithm employed, with the following modifications: A window is used, (20bp default) instead of doing it on a base-by-base basis, and parameter estimation is employed to guess the length of the fragments.

In my review of QuEST, I complained that windows are a bad idea(tm) for ChIP-Seq, only to be corrected that QuEST wasn't using a window. This time, the window is explicitly described - and again, I'm puzzled. FindPeaks uses an identical operation without windows, and it runs blazingly fast. Why throw away resolution when you don't need to?

On the subject of length estimation, I'm again less than impressed. I realize this is probably an early attempt at it - and FindPeaks has gone through it's fair share of bad length estimators, so it's not a major criticism, but it is a weakness. To quote a couple lines from the paper: "For every tag i in the sense strand, the nearest tag k in the anti-sense strand is identified. Let J be the tag in the sense strand immediately upstream of k." Then follows a formula based upon the distances between (i,j) and (j,k). I completely fail to understand how this provides an accurate assessment of the real fragment length. I'm sure I'm missing something. As a function that describes the width of peaks, that may be a good method, which is really what the experiment is aiming for, anyhow - so it's possible that this may just be poorly named.

In fairness, they also provide options for a manual length estimation (or XSET, as it was referred to at the time), which overrides the length estimation. I didn't see a comparison in the paper about which one provided the better answers, but having lots of options is always a good thing.

Moving along, my real complaint about this article is the analysis of their results compared to past results, which comes in two parts. (I told you I'd come back to it.)

The first complaint is what they were comparing against. The article was submitted for publication in May 2008, but they compared results to those published in the June 2007 Robertson article for STAT1. By August, our count of peaks had changed. By January 2008, several upgraded versions of FindPeaks were available, and many bugs had been ironed out. It's hardly fair to compare the June 2007 FindPeaks results to the May 2008 version of SISSR, and then declare SISSR the clear winner. Still, that's not a great problem - albeit somewhat misleading.

More vexing is their quality metric. In the Motif analysis, they clearly state that because of the large amount of computing power, only the top X% of reads were used in their analysis. For comparison with FindPeaks, the top 5% of peaks were used - and were able to observe the same motifs. Meanwhile, their claim to find 74% more peaks than FindPeaks, is not really discussed in terms of the quality of the additional sites. (FindPeaks was also modified to identify sub-peaks after the original data set was published, so this is really comparing apples to oranges, a fact glossed over in the discussion.)

Anyhow, complaints aside, it's good to see a paper finally compare the various peak finders out there. They provide some excellent graphics, and a nice overview on how their ChIP-Seq application works, while contrasting it to published data available. Again, I enjoyed the motif work, particularly that of figure 5, which correlates four motif variants to tag density - which I feel is a fantastic bit of information, buried deeper in the paper than it should be.

So, in summary, this paper presents a rather unfair competition by using metrics guaranteed to make SISSR stand out, but still provides a good read with background on ChIP-Seq, excellent illustrations and the occasional moment of deep insight.

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Tuesday, September 9, 2008

ChIP-Seq in silico

Yesterday I got to dish out some criticism, so it's only fair that I take some myself, today. It came in the form of an article called "Modeling ChIP Sequencing In Silico with Applications", by Zhengdong D. Zhang et al., PLoS Computational Biology, August 2008: 4(8).

This article is actually very cool. They've settled several points that have been hotly debated here at the Genome Sciences Centre, and made the case for some of the stuff I've been working on - and then show me a few places where I was dead wrong.

The article takes direct aim at the work done in Robertson et al., using the STAT1 transcription factor data produced in that study. Their key point is that the "FDR" used in that study was far from ideal, and that it could be significantly improved. (Something I strongly believe as well.)

For those that aren't aware, Robertson et al. is sort of the ancestral origin of the FindPeaks software, so this particular paper is more or less aiming at the FindPeaks thresholding method. (Though I should mention that they're comparing their results to the peaks in the publication, which used the unreleased FindPeaks 1.0 software - not the FindPeaks 2+ versions, of which I'm the author.) Despite the comparison to the not-quite current version of the software, their points are still valid, and need to be taken seriously.

Mainly, I think there are two points that stand out:

1. The null model isn't really appropriate
2. The even distribution isn't really appropriate.

The first, the null model, is relatively obvious - everyone has been pretty clear from the start that the null model doesn't really work well. This model, pretty much consistent across ChIP-Seq platforms can be paraphrased as "if my reads were all noise, what would the data look like?" This assumption is destined to fail every time - the reads we obtain aren't all noise, and thus assuming they are as a control is really a "bad thing"(tm).

The second, the even distribution model, is equally disastrous. This can be paraphrased as "if all of my noise were evenly distributed across some portion of the chromosome, what would the data look like?" Alas, noise doen't distribute evenly for these experiments, so it should be fairly obvious why this is also a "bad thing"(tm).

The solution presented in the paper is fairly obvious; create a full simulation for your ChIP-Seq data. Their version requires a much more rigorous process, however. They simulate a genome-space, remove areas that would be gaps or repeats in the real chromosome, then begin tweaking the genome simulation to replicate their experiment using weighted statistics collected in the ChIP-Seq experiment.

On the one hand, I really like this method, as it should give a good version of a control, whereas on the other hand, I don't like that you need to know a lot about the genome of interest before you can analyze your ChIP-Seq data. (ie, mappability, repeat-masking, etc.) Of course, if you're going to simulate your genome, simulate it well - I agree with that.

I don't want to belabor the point, but this paper provides a very nice method for simulating ChIP-Seq noise in the absence of a control, as in Robertson et al. However, I think there are two things that have changed since this paper was submitted (January 2008) that should be mentioned:

1. FDR calculations haven't stood still. Even at the GSC, we've been working on two separate FDR models that no longer use the null model, however, both still make even distribution assumptions, which, is also not ideal.

2. I believe everyone has now acknowledged that there are several biases that can't be accounted for in any simulation technique, and that controls are the way forward. (They're used very successfully in QuEST, which I discussed yesterday.)

Anyhow, to summarize this paper: Zhang et al. provide a fantastic critique of the thresholding and FDR used in early ChIP-Seq papers (which is still in use today, in one form or another), and demonstrate a viable and clearly superior method for refining Chip-Seq results with out a matched control. This paper should be read by anyone working on FDRs for next-gen sequencing and ChIP-Seq software.

(Post-script: In preparation for my comprehensive exam, I'm trying to prepare critical evaluations of papers in the area of my research. I'll provide comments, analysis and references (where appropriate), and try to make the posts somewhat interesting. However, these posts are simply comments and - coming from a graduate student - shouldn't be taken too seriously. If you disagree with my points, please feel free to comment on the article and start a discussion. Nothing I say should be taken as personal or professional criticism - I'm simply trying to evaluate the science in the context of the field as it stands today.)

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Monday, September 8, 2008


(Pre-script: In preparation for my comprehensive exam, I'm trying to prepare critical evaluations of papers in the area of my research. I'll provide comments, analysis and references (where appropriate), and try to make the posts somewhat interesting. However, these posts are simply comments and - coming from a graduate student - shouldn't be taken too seriously. If you disagree with my points, please feel free to comment on the article and start a discussion. Nothing I say should be taken as personal or professional criticism - I'm simply trying to evaluate the science in the context of the field as it stands today.)

(UPDATE: A response to this article was kindly provided by Anton Valouev, and can be read here.)

I once wrote a piece of software called WINQ, which was the predecessor of a piece of software called Quest. Not that I'm going to talk about that particular piece of Quest software for long, but bear with me a moment - it makes a nice lead in.

The software I wrote wasn't started before the University of Waterloo's version of Quest, but it was released first. Waterloo was implementing a multi-million dollar set of software for managing student records built on oracle databases, PeopleSoft software, and tons of custom extensions to web interfaces and reporting. Unfortunately, The project was months behind, and the Quest system was no where near being deployed. (Vendor problems and the like.) That's when I became involved - in two months of long days, I used Cognos tools (several of them, involving 5 separate scripting and markup languages) to build the WINQ system, which provided the faculty with a way to access query the oracle database through a secure web frontend and get all of the information they needed. It was supposed to be in use for about 4-6 months, until Quest took over... but I heard it was used for more than two years. (There are many good stories there, but I'll save them for another day.)

Back to ChIP-Seq's QuEST, this application was the subject of a recently published article. In a parallel timeline to the Waterloo story, QuEST was probably started before I got involved in ChIP-Seq, and was definitely released after I released my software - but this time I don't think it will replace my software.

The paper in question (Valouev et al, Nature Methods, Advanced Online Publication) is called "Genome-wide analysis of transcription factor binding sites based on ChIP-Seq data. I suspect it was published with the intent of being the first article on ChIP-Seq software, which, unfortunately, it wasn't. What's most strange to me is that it seems to be simply a reiteration of the methods used by Johnson et al. in their earlier ChIP-Seq paper. I don't see anything novel in this paper, though maybe someone else has seen something I've missed.

The one thing that surprises me about this paper, however, is their use of a "kernel density bandwidth", which appears to be a sliding window of pre-set length. This flies in the face of the major advantage of ChIP-Seq, which is the ability to get very strong signals at high resolution. By forcing a "window" over their data, they are likely losing a lot of the resolution they could have found by investigating the reads directly. (Admittedly, with a window of 21bp, as used in the article, they're not losing much, so it's not a very heavy criticism.) I suppose it could be used to provide a quick way of doing subpeaks (finding individual peaks in areas of contiguous read coverage) at a cost of losing some resolving power, but I don't see that discussed as an advantage.

The second thing they've done is provide a directional component to peak finding. Admittedly, I tried to do the same thing, but found it didn't really add much value. Both the QuEST publication and my application note on FindPeaks 3.1 mention the ability to do this - and then fail to show any data that demonstrates the value of using this mechanism versus identifying peak maxima. (In my case, I wasn't expected to provide data in the application note.)

Anyhow, that was the down side. There are two very good aspects to this paper. The first is that they do use controls. Even now, the Genome Sciences Centre is struggling with ChIP-Seq controls, while it seems everyone else is using them to great effect. I really enjoyed this aspect of it. In fact, I was rather curious how they'd done it, so I took a look through the source code of the application. I found the code somewhat difficult to wade through, as the coding style was very different from my own, but well organized. Unfortunately, I couldn't find any code for dealing with controls, which leads me to think this is an unreleased feature, and was handled by post-processing the results of their application. Too bad.

The second thing I really appreciated was the motif finding work, which isn't strictly ChIP-Seq, but is one of the uses to which the data can be applied. Unfortunately, this is also not new, as I'm aware of many earlier experiments (published and unpublished) that did this as well, but it does make a nice little story. There's good science behind this paper - and the data collected on the chosen transcription factors will undoubtedly be exploited by other researchers in the future.

So, here's my summary of this paper: As a presentation of a new algorithm, they failed to produce anything novel, and with respect to the value of those algorithms versus any other algorithm, no experiments were provided. On the other hand, as a paper on growth-associated binding protein, and serum response factor proteins (GABP and SRF respectively), it presents a nice compact story.

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Thursday, June 26, 2008

Chip-Seq revisited

In the world of ChIP-Seq, things don't seem to slow down. A collaborator of mine pointed out the new application called MACS, which is yet another peak finder, written in python as an open source project. That makes 2 open source peak finders that I'm aware of: Useq and now MACS.

The interesting thing, to me, is the maturity of the code (in terms of features implemented). In neither cases is it all that great, as it's mostly lacking features I consider to be relatively basic, and relatively naive in terms of algorithms used for peak detection. Though, I suppose I've been working with FindPeaks long enough that nearly everything else will seem relatively basic in comparison.

However, I'll come back to a few more FP related things in a moment. I wanted to jump to another ChIP-Seq related item that I'd noticed this week. The Wold lab merged their Peak Finder software into a larger development package for Genomic and Transcriptome work, which I think they're calling ERANGE. I've long argued that the Peak Finding tools are really just a subset of the whole Illumina tool-set required, and it's nice to see other people doing this.

This is the development model I've been using, though I don't know if the wold lab does exactly the same thing. The high-level organization uses a core library set, core object set, and then FindPeaks and other projects just sit on top, using those shared layers. It's a reasonably efficient model. And, in a blog a while ago, I mentioned that I'd made a huge number of changes to my code after coming across the tool called "Enerjy". I sat down to figure out how many lines were changed in the last two weeks: 26,000+ lines of code, comments and javadoc. That's a startling figure, since my entire code base ( grep -r " " * | wc -l) is only 22,884 lines, of which 15,022 contain semi-colons.

Anyhow, I have several plans for the next couple of days:
  1. try to get my SVN repository to somewhere other people can work on it as well, and not just restricted to GSC developers.
  2. Improve the threading I've got going
  3. Clean up the documentation, where possible
  4. and work on the Adaptive mode code.

Hopefully, that'll clean things up a bit.

Back to FindPeaks itself, the latest news is that my Application note in Bioinformatics has been accepted. Actually, it was accepted about a week ago, but I'm still waiting to see it in the advanced access section - hopefully it won't be much longer. I also have a textbook chapter on ChIP-Seq coming out relatively soon, (I'm absolutely honoured to have been given that opportunity!) assuming I can get my changes done by Monday.

I don't think that'll be a problem.

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Thursday, June 19, 2008

Downloads and aligners

At the Genome Science Centre, we have a platform Scientific Advisory Board meeting coming up in the near future, so a lot of people are taking the time to put together some information on what's being going on since the last meeting. As part of that, I was asked to provide some information on the FindPeaks application, since it's been relatively successful. One of those things was how many times it's been downloaded.

Surprisingly, it's not an insigificant number: FindPeaks 2.x has been downloaded 280 times, while FindPeaks 3.1.x has been downloaded 325 times. I was amazed. Admittedly, I filtered out google and anything calling itself "spider", and didn't filter on unique IPs, but it's still more than I expected.

The other surprise to me was the institutions from which it was downloaded, which are scattered across the world. Very cool to see it's not just Vancouver people who took an interest in FindPeaks, though I somewhat suspected as much, already.

Thinking of FindPeaks, I put in one last marathon cleaning session for all my software. I'm sure I'm somewhere north of 15,000 lines of code modified in the past week. Even when you consider that some of those changes were massive search-and-replace jobs, (very few, really), or refactoring and renaming variables (many many more), it's still an impressive number for two weeks. With that done, I'm looking to see some significant gains in development speed, and in developer productivity. (I learned a LOT doing this.)

The last 122 warnings will just have to get cleaned up when I get around to it - although they're really only 4 warnings types repeated so many times. (The majority of them are just that the branched logic goes deeper than 5 levels, or that my objects have public variables. (You can only write so many accessor functions in a week.)

Anyhow, I'm looking forward to testing out FindPeaks 4.0 alphas starting tomorrow, and to put some documents together on it. (And catch up on the flood of emails I received in the last 2 days.

Finally, I'm working on a MAQ file interpreter for another project I'm working on. If I ever manage to figure out how to interpret the (nearly undocumented) files, I'll post that here. If anyone's done this already (though I didn't see anything publicly available on the web), I'd love to hear from them.


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Monday, June 16, 2008

Random Update on FP/Coding/etc.

I had promised to update my blog more often, but then failed miserably to follow through last week. I guess I have to chalk it up to unforeseen circumstances. On the bright side, it gave me the opportunity to come up with several things to discuss here.

1. Enerjy: I learned about this tool on Slashdot, last week while doing some of my usual lunch hour "open source news" perusal. I can unequivocally say that installing the Enerjy tool in Eclipse has improved my coding by unimaginable leaps and bounds. I tested it out on my Java codebase that has my FindPeaks application and the Transcriptome/Genome analysis tools, and was appalled by the number of suggestions it gave. Admittedly, I'm self taught in Java, but I thought I had grasped the "Zen" of Java by now, though the 2000+ warnings it gave disagreed. I've since been cleaning up the code like there's no tomorrow, and have brought it down to 533 warnings. The best part is that it pointed out several places where bugs were likely to have occurred, which have now all been cleaned up.

2. Threading has also come up this past week. Although I didn't "need" it, there was no way to get around it - learning threads was the appropriate solution to one problem that came up, so my development version is now beginning to include some thread management, which is likely to spread into the the core algorithms. Who knew??

3. Random politics: If you're a grad student in a mixed academic/commercial environment, I have a word of warning for you: Not everyone there is looking out for your best interests. In fact, some people are probably looking out for their own interests, and they're definitely not the same as yours.

4. I read Michael Smith's biography this week. I was given a free copy by the Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research, who were kind enough to provide my funding for the next few years. It's fantastic to understand a lot of the history behind the British Columbia Biotechnology scene. I wish I'd read that before having worked at Zymeworks. That would have provided me with a lot more insight into the organizations and people I met along the way. Hindsight is 20/20.

5. FindPeaks 4.0: Yes, I'm skipping plans for a FindPeaks 3.3. I've changed well over 12000+ lines of code, according to the automated scripts that report such things, which have included a major refactoring and the start I made at threading. If that doesn't warrant an major number version change, I don't know what does.

Well, on that note, back to coding... I'm going to be competing with people here, in the near future, so I had best be productive!

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Monday, April 28, 2008

I've spent the last week madly putting together a poster for the "Reasons for Hope 2008" conference this past weekend, which focuses on breast cancer science, treatment and quality of life research. So, you'll notice (shortly), a new poster in my poster section. It was a educational experience, and I must admit I learned a lot. Not so much in the areas that I need to learn for my own research, but about physiology, psychology and general health research. And that's even considering how few talks I went to!

Still, I highly recommend dropping into talks that aren't in your field, on occasion. I try to make a habit of it, which included a pathology lecture just before xmas, last year, and this time, I learned a lot about mammography, and new techniques for mammography that are up and coming. Neither are really practical skills for a bioinformatician, but it gives me a good idea of where the samples I'll be dealing with come from. Nifty.

Anyhow, I had a few minutes to revisit my ChIP-Seq code, FindPeaks, and do a few things I'd been hoping to do for a while. I got around to reducing the memory requirement - going from about 4Gb of RAM for a 12M+ read run down to under 1Gb. (I'd discussed this before in another posting.) The other thing I did was to re-write the core peak-finding algorithm. It was something I'd known was not-optimal for a while, but re-implementing a core routine isn't something you do without a lot of thought. The good news, it runs about 2x as fast, scales better on multiple cores and guarantees not to produce any of the type of bugs that have been relatively common in early versions of FindPeaks.

Having invested the 2 hours to do it, I'm very glad to see it provide some return. Since my next project is to clean up the Transcripter code (for whole transcriptome shotgun sequencing), this was a nice lesson in coding: if you find a problem, don't patch the problem: solve it. I think I have a lot of "solving" to do. (-;

For those of you who are interested, the next version of FindPeaks will be released once I can include support for the SRF files - hopefully the end of the week.

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Sunday, April 13, 2008

Genomics Forum 2008

You can probably guess what this post is about from the title - which means I still haven't gotten around to writing an entry on thresholding for ChIP-Seq. Actually, it's probably a good thing I haven't, as we've been learning a lot about thresholding in the past week. It seems many things we took for granted aren't really the case. Anyhow, I'm not going to say too much about that, as I plan to collect my thoughts and discuss it in a later entry.

Instead, I'd like to discuss the 2008 Genomics Forum, sponsored by Genome BC, which took place on Friday - though, in particular, I'm going to focus on one talk, near to my own research. Dr. Barbara Wold from Caltech gave the first of the science talks, and focussed heavily on ChIP-Seq and Whole Transcriptome Shotgun Sequencing (WTSS). But before I get to that, I wanted to mention a few other things.

The first is that Genome BC took a few minutes to announce a really neat funding competition, which really impressed me, the Genome BC Science Opportunities Fund. (There's nothing up on the web page yet, but if you google for it, you'll come across the agenda for Friday's forum in which it's mentioned - I'm sure more will appear soon.) Its whole premise revolves around the question: "Are there experiments that we need to be doing, that are of strategic importance to the BC life science community?" I take that to mean, are there projects that we can't afford not to undertake, that we wouldn't have the funding to do otherwise? I find that to be very flexible, and very non-academic in nature - but quite neat. I hope the funding competition goes well, and I'm looking forward to seeing what they think falls into the "must do" category.

The second was the surprising demand for Bioinformaticians. I'm aware of several jobs for bioinformaticians with experience in next-gen sequencing, but the surprise to me was the number of times (5) I heard people mention that they were actively recruiting. If anyone with next-gen experience is out there looking for a job (post-doc, full time or grad student), drop me a note, and I can probably point you in the right direction.

The third was one of the afternoon talks, on journalism in science, from the perspective of traditional news paper/tv journalists. It seems so foreign to me, yet the talk touched on several interesting points, including the fact that journalists are struggling to come to terms with "new media." (... which doesn't seem particularly new to those of us who have been using the net since the 90's, but I digress.) That gave me several ideas about things I can do with my blog, to bring it out of the simple text format I use now. I guess even those of us who live/breath/sleep internet don't do a great job of harnessing it's power for communicating effectively. Food for though.

Ok... so on to the main topic of tonight's blog: Dr. Wold's talk.

Dr. Wold spoke at length on two topics, ChIP-Seq and Whole Transcriptome Shotgun Sequencing. Since these are the two subject I'm actively working on, I was obviously very interested in hearing what she has to say, though I'll comment more on the ChIP-Seq side of things.

One of the great open questions at the Genome Sciences Centre has been how to do an effective control for a ChIP-Seq experiment. It's not something we've done much of, in the past, but the Wold lab demonstrated why they're necessary, and how to do them well. It seems that ChIP-Seq experiments tend to yield fragments in several genomic regions that have nothing to do with the antibody or experiment itself. The educated guess is that these are caused by hypersensitive sites in the genome that tend to fragment in repeatable patterns, giving rise to peaks that appear in all samples. Indeed, I spend a good portion of this past week talking about observations of peaks exactly like that, and how to "filter" them out of the ChIP-Seq results. I wasn't able to get a good idea of how the Wold lab does this, other than by eye, (which isn't very high throughput), but knowing what needs to be done now, it shouldn't be particularly difficult to incorporate into our next release of the FindPeaks code.

Another smart thing that the Wold lab has done is to separate the interactions of ChIP-Seq into two different types: Type 1 and Type 2, where Type 1 refers to single molecule-DNA binding events, which give rise to sharp peaks, and very clean profiles. These tend be transcription factors like NRSF, or STAT1, upon which the first generation of ChIP-Seq papers were published. Type 2 interactomes tend to be less clear, as they are transcription factors that recruit other elements, or form complexes that bind to the DNA at specific sites, and require other proteins to bind to encourage transcription. My own interpretation is that the number of identifiable binding sites should indicate the type, and thus, if there were three identifiable transcription factor consensus sites lined up, it should be considered a Type 3 interactome, though, that may be simplifying the case tremendously, as there are, undoubtedly, many other proteins that must be recruited before any transcription will take place.

In terms of applications, the members of the wold lab have been using their identified peaks to locate novel binding site motifs. I think this is the first thing everyone thinks of when they hear of ChIP-Seq for the first time, but it's pretty cool to see it in action. (We also do it at the GSC too, I might add.) The neatest thing, however, was that they were able to identify a rather strange binding site, with two halves of a motif, split by a variable distance. I haven't quite figured out how that works, in terms of DNA/Protein structure, but it's conceptually quite neat. They were able to show that the distance between the two halves of the structure vary by 10-20 bases, making it a challenge to identify, for most traditional motif scanners. Nifty.

Another neat thing, which I think everyone knows, but was cool to hear that it's been shown is that the binding sites often line up on areas of high conservation across species. I use that as a test for my own work, but it was good to have it confirmed.

Finally, one of the things Dr. Wold mentioned was that they were interested in using the information in the directionality of reads in their analysis. Oddly enough, this was one of the first problems I worked on in ChIP-Seq, months ago, and discovered several ways to handle it. I enjoyed knowing that there's at least one thing my own ChIP-Seq code does that is unique, and possibly better than the competition. (-;

As for transcriptome work, there were only a couple things that are worth mentioning. The Wold lab seems to be using MAQ and a list of splice junctions assembled from annotated exons to map the transcriptome sequences. I've heard that before, actually, from someone at the GSC who is doing exactly the same thing. It's a small world. I'm not really a fan of the technique, however. Yes, you'll get a lot of the exon junction reads, but you'll only find the ones you're looking for, which is exactly the criticism all the next-gen people throw at the use of micro-arrays. There has got to be a better solution... but I don't yet know what it is. (We thought it was Exonerate, but we can't seem to get it to work well, due to several bugs in the software. It's clearly a work in progress.)

Anyhow, I think I'm going to stop here. I'll just sum it all up by saying it was a pretty good talk, and it's given me lots of things to think about. I'm looking forward to getting back to coding tomorrow.

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Friday, April 4, 2008

Dr. Henk Stunnenberg's lecture

I saw an interesting seminar today, which I thought I'd like to comment on. Unfortunately, I didn't bring my notes home with me, so I can only report on the details I recall - and my apologies in advance if I make any errors - as always, any mistakes are obviously with my recall, and not the fault of the presenter.

Ironically, I almost skipped the talk - it was billed as discussing Epigenetics using "ChIP-on-Chip", which I wrote off several months ago as being a "poor man's ChIP-Seq." I try not to say that too loud, usually, since there are still people out there who put a lot of faith in it, and I have no evidence to say it's bad. Or, at least, I didn't until today.

The presenter was Dr. Stunnenberg, from Nijmegen Center for Molecular Sciences, who's web page doesn't do him justice in any respect. To begin with, Dr. Stunnenberg gave a big apology for the change in date of his talk - I gather the originally scheduled talk had to be postponed because someone had stolen his bags while he was on the way to the airport. That has got to suck, but I digress...

Right away, we were told that the talk would focus not on "ChIP-on-Chip", but on ChIP-Seq, instead, which cheered me up tremendously. We were also told that the poor graduate student (Mark?) who had spent a full year generating the first data set based on the ChIP-on-Chip method had had to throw away all of his data and start over again once the ChIP-Seq data had become available. Yes, it's THAT much better. To paraphrase Dr. Stunnenberg, it wasn't worth anyone's time to work with the ChIP-on-Chip data set when compared to the accuracy, speed and precision of the ChIP-Seq technology. Ah, music to my ears.

I'm not going to go over what data was presented, as it would mostly be of interest only to cancer researchers, other than to mention it was based on estrogen receptor mediated binding. However, I do want to raise two interesting points that Dr. Stunnenberg touched upon: the minimum height threshold they applied to their data, and the use of Polymerase occupancy.

With respect to their experiment, they performed several lanes of sequencing on their ChIP-Seq sample, and used the standard peak finding to identify areas of enrichment. This yielded a large number of sites, which I seem to recall was in the range of 60-100k peaks, with a "statistically derived" cutoff around 8-10. No surprise, this is a typical result for a complex interaction with a relatively promiscuous transcription factor; a lot of peaks! The surprise to me was that they decided that this was too many peaks, and so applied an arbitrary threshold of a minimum peak height of 30, which reduced the number of peaks down to 6,400-ish peaks. Unfortunately, I can't come up with a single justification for this threshold at 30. In fact, I don't know that anyone could, including Dr. Stunnenberg, who admitted it was rather arbitrary, because they thought the first number, in the 10's of thousands of peaks was too many.

I'll be puzzling over this for a while, but it seems like a lot of good data was rejected for no particularly good reason. yes, it made the data set more tractable, but considering the number of peaks we work on regularly at the GSC, I'm not really sure this is a defensible reason. I'm personally convinced that there is a lot of biological relevance for the peaks with low peak heights, even if we aren't aware of what that is yet, and arbitrarily raising the minimum height threshold 3-fold over the statistically justifiable cut off is a difficult pill to swallow.

Moving along, the part that did impress me a lot (one of many impressive parts, really) was the use of Polymerase occupancy ChIP-Seq tracks. Whereas the GSC tends to do a lot of transcriptome work to identify the expression of genes, Dr. Stunnenberg demonstrated that polymerase ChIP can be used to gain the same information, but with much less sequencing. (I believe he said 2-3 lanes of Solexa data were all that were needed, whereas our transcriptomes have been done up to a full 8 lanes.) Admittedly, I'd rather have both transcriptome and polymerase occupancy, since it's not clear where each one has weaknesses, but I can see obvious advantages to both methods, particularly the benefits of having direct DNA evidence, rather than mapping cDNA back to genomic locations for the same information. I think this is something I'll definitely be following up on.

In summary, this was clearly a well thought through talk, delivered by a very animated and entertaining speaker. (I don't think Greg even thought about napping through this one.) There's clearly some good work being done at the Nijmegen Center for Molecular Sciences, and I'll start following their papers more closely. In the meantime, I'm kicking myself for not going to the lunch to talk with Dr. Stunnenberg afterwards, but alas, the chip-on-chip poster sent out in advance had me fooled, and I had booked myself into a conflicting meeting earlier this week. Hopefully I'll have another opportunity in the future.

By the way, Dr. Stunnenberg made a point of mentioning they're hiring bioinformaticians, so interested parties may want to check out his web page.

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Wednesday, April 2, 2008

New ChIP-Seq tool from Illumina

Ok, I had to blog this. Someone on the SeqAnswers forum brought it to my attention that Illumina has a new tool for ChIP-Seq experiments. That in itself doesn't bother me - the more people in this space, the faster we learn about what makes us tick.

What surprises me, though, is the tool itself (beadstudio data analysis software - chip sequencing module). It's implemented only for Windows, for one. (Don't most self-respecting scientists use Macs or Linux these days? Or at least use and develop tools that can be used cross-platform?) Second, the feature set appears to be a re-implementation of the UCSC Genome Browser. Given the choice between the two, I don't see any reason to buy the Illumina version. (Yes, you have to pay for it, whereas UCSC is free and flexible.) I can't tell if it loads bed files or wig files, but the screen shots show a rather unflexible tool that looks like a graphical version of Gap4 or Consed. I'm not particularly impressed.

Worse still, I can't see this being implemented in a pipeline. If you're processing 100's of ChIP-Seq experiments in a year, or 1000's once this technique really starts to hit it's stride, why would you want to force it all through a GUI? I just don't get it.

Well, what do I know? Maybe there's a big market for people out there who don't want free cross-platform tools, and would rather pay for a brand name science application than use something that works. Come to think of it, I'm willing to bet there are a few pharma companies out there who do think like that, and Illumina is likely to conquer that market with their tool. Happy clicking, Vista users.

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Friday, March 28, 2008

Chip-Seq on a laptop.

Every once in a while, I get an interesting email or comment from someone, which is worthy of a blog post. I woke up this morning to a comment left on my last post:

What kind of computing infrastructure do you need to be able to handle chipSEQ datasets? I'm guessing my standard IBM T60 laptop is not going to do the trick - but what does?

So yes, I do check my email when I get up... but that's not the point. Moving along...

The simple answer is, your laptop probably can't run a chip-Seq data set with the currently available programs... but it's probably not far off. My laptop has 2Gb of RAM (after tossing two new 1Gb sticks in last week), and a dual core AMD, running at 2GHz. Ironically, it's not far from what we do use to run FindPeaks: A quadcore 2.2GHz opteron with 8Gb of RAM.

Of course, FindPeaks doesn't take up the full resources of the machine. (Though I've seen it take up to 12CPUs on one of our fancier servers.) Generally, I only allocate 4Gb of RAM to the process, which should be more than enough for several millions or tens of millions of reads. The reason it takes so much ram? Because I don't drop any of the information being held that's contained in the Eland file, and because I need to retain all of the reads in memory to do a sort.

What does it need? Generally, FindPeaks only needs the start, end and direction of each read to do the basics, however, I don't throw away any of the other information collected, in case we want to use it later. If I did that, or if I pre-sorted the reads, I could probably drop the memory requirements down by an order of magnitude or more. (No one's asked me to do this, yet, however.) Is there anyone out there who needs a laptop-runnable version of FindPeaks?

This is somewhat timely, though. For the last few days I've been playing with a companion piece of software for FindPeaks which generates UCSC-compatible BED tracks from Eland data where I've adopted a minimalist approach. It takes about the same amount of time, and runs in under 300m of RAM. That, clearly, should run on anyone's laptop.

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Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Comments on de novo assembly

First off, I'd like to say thanks to Paul and stajich for their comments. Paul for raising several points that I'd like to discuss tonight, and stajich for bringing my attention to the SHRiMP aligner. Obviously, I haven't had much chance to look at SHRiMP, yet, but I'll definitely get around to it.

So, paul mentioned several things that are worth discussing:

The Velvet roadmap for mRNA could be interesting. Sometimes the intron is snipped, sometimes it isn't, get a nice little bubble. And the similar transcripts will do... interesting things.

Short reads would be fine for de-novo if DNA was completely random. Pity that it isn't.

For the most part, I agree with Paul, Using Velvet on a transcriptome would be pretty cool. Yes, you'd get bubbles, but you'd get a lot of nifty information about new transcripts, or intermediate forms of transcripts. This neatly avoids one of the major hurdles I currently face when working with transcriptomes: I can either align against a genome, or a list of known genes, and neither one really gives me much opportunity to identify new genes. (Of course, I'm working on doing just that, with a colleague of mine, but I'm saving that for another post.)

Where I disagree with paul, however, is his final statement, that short reads would be fine for de novo assembly if they were truly random. I have two problems with that: The first is mapability (or sequencability), and the second is the short nature of the reads themselves.

Mappability has been defined in many different ways, but for general purposes, it's the ability to identify a sequenced read that can be unambiguously aligned to that location on a chromosome. Fortunately, with 36-mer reads, as are produced by Illumina 1G's, something like 70-80% of the genome is mappable. Not 100% mappable, but mappable to some degree. This may seem trivial, but it's important.

Why it's important is that a genome with 95% mapability doesn't mean you get a single contig covering 95% of the genome, and a chunk of 5% of your reads that don't cover your genome. It's more like every 20-100kb you'll find something that you just can't assemble over. (I'm guestimating that number, by the way.) This means you have lots of small contigs that have no overlap. That is, of course, assuming you had enough highly mappable reads to do a relatively error free assembly, and, also of course, assuming your sequencing errors haven't completely interfered with your assembly. I don't think either can really be taken for granted.

In reality, the mappability of a genome isn't a property you can figure out until you've sequenced it, so I don't want to discourage anyone from trying. I'm aware of people working on using Illumina reads to do this, albeit they've supplemented the reads with BAC sequencing, ESTs and various other options, which will provide a nice scaffolding. This approach allows them to augment their sequencing power by obtaining a lot of coverage through the Illumina runs, rather than having to use them as the basis of a serious de novo assembly - which seems wise to me. (And even then, they're only doing a fungus - not a higher vertebrate!)

And to return to my earlier point about the mappable genome not being 100% mappable, this is where I think paul's point over simplifies. Although some bases may be 50% mappable, and are thus considered to be "mappable" in common discussion, that means that 50% of the possible sequencing reads in which they're likely to participate will not yield an un-ambiguous fragment! That means you can say goodbye to 50% of the likely fragments which you would need to generate an overlap to span two forming contigs. That, to me, indicates that any de novo assembly is unlikely to correctly proceed past that base, and 50% mappability is not unusual in the genome.

The other point of paul's that I wanted to discuss, was the assertion that the non-random fragmenting of DNA is what's stopping us from doing a serious de novo assembly. While it's true that shearing DNA isn't an entirely random process, it's also true that it doesn't need to be. People have been doing restriction enzyme digests for decades now, in order to map vectors and inserts. (I learned how to do it in grade 11 biology, and that was back in 1994). So yes, while sonication or digests may not be random, what's to stop someone from stripping DNA of it's histones, and then doing 25 different digests? The net effect is just about the same (assuming you pick 25 good restriction enzymes with different base recognitions), and will yield fragments that will get around paul's issue. But does that mean we can now do a de novo assembly?

No... I don't think so. I doubt the lack of a random fragmentation pattern is the limiting factor in de novo assemblies. Unfortunately, the only way to prove myself or paul right or wrong is to simulate this: Take the mouse genome, fragment it into random 36-mers (the same size you get from an Illumina sequencing run), then inject 1 random base for every 1000 bases read (I'll be generous and assume a .1% error rate, though the real thing is closer to 3-5% from what I've seen), and then try running velvet on it.

I bet you'll observe that somewhere around 40x coverage you'll start to saturate and discover that your assembly has covered anywhere from 60-80% of the genome (say 5% of that is just way wrong), and that it'll have taken you longer to do that assembly than it would have to just sequenced the damned thing in the first place with PCR.

Anyhow, I take paul's point to heart: We're still early on in this game, and there are a lot of neat things we can try. I'm looking forward to seeing the results of many of them. (Who has time to try them all?)

By the way, FindPeaks 3.0.1 is done, and I'll be presenting it as a poster at AGBT 2008 this week. If you're interested in ChIP-Seq/Chip-Solexa (or for the pedantic, ChIP-Illumina), come find me, and I'll tell you some of its new features.

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Thursday, September 20, 2007

Textbook Chapter

Lately I haven't had much to write about, as is clearly shown by the complete lack of content for the past month. I've been too busy to do much photography (I haven't even put up my most recent shots onto my web page)... but I have figured out some of what I'd like my blog to be, and I'm going to put some effort into breaking it up into two sections: photography and Grad School.

Of course, that will have to wait until I come back from my trip - oh, right - I don't think I mentioned I'll be in England, Scotland and Wales for about 10 days. This trip has been in the works for two years, so you can imagine that I've been looking forward to it... just a little bit. (-;

Anyhow, before I go, I have a few things to finish, once of which is a textbook chapter. I agreed to take this project on about a month ago, and since it's on an area in which I'm actively working, I thought it would be a good idea.

The topic of the chapter is a method or protocol called ChIP-Seq (or ChIPSeq, or ChIP-Solexa, or a few other things, actually), which is a combination of chromatin immunoprocipitation and a so-called "next-generation" sequencing technology. (If anyone wants to know more, send me a message, and I'll do a post on it.)

At any rate, when I was first approached about it, I was in the process of rewriting all of the production code that's being used to analyze the results - so I'm now intimately familiar with how that works. And, once that was done, I spent the next week doing a scholarship application, for which I had to do some lit review.. and finally this week, I got to working on the chapter.
I spent a few days reading, a day outlining, and a few hours here and there doing some writing. It's slow work, to be honest, but it's getting there.

The funny part is that I found a great paper yesterday, that would have pointed me to the right place, and has a great introduction. Where did I find it, you ask? On my desk. I've had it for about 2 months - it's the paper on ChIP-Seq written by the guy who sits across the cubicle wall from me.

Anyhow, That's life. Now I just need to sit down and write like mad - I'd like to get a draft out before my vacation starts.

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