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Friday, January 15, 2010

Symposium: Advances in Bioinformatics and Genomics - Feb 19, 2010

I just came across a forum that I hadn't heard of before: The 2nd Advances in Bioinformatics and Genomics Symposium, being held in the San Francisco/Bay area in February. Unfortunately, like AGBT, it's been scheduled to overlap with the Olympics. Now, normally I don't care about things overlapping with Olympic events, but this year travel in and out of Vancouver will be a nightmare, and I'm not willing to go through that twice. (Especially for a single day symposium.)

Regardless, if people are leaving from other destinations, or already happen to be in the bay area, this "open access" conference sounds pretty neat. The full schedule isn't up yet - and I have to admit I don't know either of the keynote speakers (my ignorance of the field, I'm sure), but the summary seems to fit my interests pretty well - and likely those of other people who read my blog.

Here's the link:

There's always next year, I suppose. (=



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