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Monday, July 27, 2009

Giant Spider...

Ok, way big diversion from my usual set of topics.

I came downstairs for a snack in the evening, slapped some cheese and tomatoes on a slice of bread, and then looked down at the floor when some movement caught my eye - and then ran for a glass. I'm not terrified of spiders, but this bugger was BIG.

After catching the spider, I looked online - I'm not used to finding spiders this size in Canada, and figured it might be something nasty. Indeed, my best classification for it is probably a Hobo Spider, which is actually a venomous spider. (So much for naively thinking there are no poisonous spiders in Canada!) It lacks the banded pattern on the legs - which I carefully investigated in the pictures I took before figuring out how to handle it.

At any rate, the spider was "ejected" from the house, and I spent some time making sure it hadn't invited any friends over for the party. And, I'm happy to report, there were no bites at the end of the exercise.



Anonymous RAZIM said...

Seems like their population is on the rise out west. Heard quite a few reports lately of people finding these wandering around the house.

August 6, 2009 1:44:00 PM PDT  

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