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Monday, December 3, 2007


Planning and reality often don't mix in grad school, I'm discovering. Since I have a committee meeting tomorrow, I thought I'd use today to finish my presentation and written documentation for it. Instead, I was told I had to have code running by 1pm that would process transcriptome data using paired end solexa reads. 5 hours later, I had code analyzing Single end transcriptome data, but nothing finished for my committee meeting.

On that note, I'm not going to blog about paired end data - I'll save that for another day, and instead, I'm going to go work on my presentation and report. However, I did want to provide a neat link Elaine passed to me: made with molecules. Jewelry for the rich and geeky. (I'm geeky enough to like it, but not rich enough to pay THAT much for it, even if I wore ornaments.)

Oh, and one last parting note... my laptop is being assembled today. If I wasn't going to be so busy tomorrow, I'd probably be checking it's status every 10 minutes. The curse and blessing of real-time tracking data.

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